This section contains a wealth of information, related to
Drawlur. If you cannot find an answer to your question,
make sure to provide us
General questions
Account registration at Drawlur isn't required
but allows you to do the following:
- Have your name on the drawings you create
- Vote on others drawings
- Have your total likes and views tracked and presented on the leaderboards
- Have your own profile page where people can see your stats and drawings
Drawlur uses
Gravatar for profile
pictures of those who don't have a linked Facebook or Google
account. If you don't have an account set up on Gravatar it will
assign you a default of a unique monster associated with your
email address.
Drawlur is meant to be a place of enjoyment for
all ages. The internet has plenty of other places for adult
material, Drawlur isn't one of them.
Nope. Once your drawing has been saved it is forever alive on the
internet unless we at Drawlur feel it violates our terms of use.
Then it will die a fiery death.
The most likely answer is because only one guy works on this thing
while also working a full time job. BUT.... Please leave some
feedback by using the link in the footer and it might get added!